

location: news

May 20, 2002


Michael Jackson’s Commentary on Michael Harris’ Con Game : The Truth about Canada’s Prisons.

One of the purposes of justicebehindthewalls.net is to encourage public debate about the use of imprisonment. It is my view that such a debate is an essential part of maintaining public vigilance over an institution that vitally affects the interests of all citizens on whose behalf a sentence of imprisonment is imposed. This debate, however, depends upon fair, informed opinion based on accurate information. Because it is my view that Michael Harris’ recent book, Con Game, contains serious inaccuracies about both the law and practice of imprisonment in Canada, I have written a commentary on the book, pointing out these inaccuracies, to ensure that the public debate proceeds on the fullest understanding of the facts. Click here to read this commentary (requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or newer, available free by clicking this link).

Michael Jackson